12 SUNY Oneonta Students Earn Recognition for Sustainability Efforts

Twelve SUNY Oneonta students were recently honored for their dedication to sustainability efforts on campus thanks to the Green Dragon Recognition Program. The Green Dragon Recognition Program (organized by the Office of Sustainability) seeks to celebrate and recognize students who have shown commitment to sustainability during their time at SUNY Oneonta.

Honorees were recognized during an invitation-only reception on Friday, May 1, on campus. To earn an invitation to the 2024 recognition, students had to earn a B or above in a sustainability-focused or two sustainability-related courses, attend six sustainability-themed events and participate in at least one sustainability leadership activity by May 1. Awards were presented, appetizers were served, and students, faculty and staff networked with one another.

The reception was one of the culminating events of SUNY Oneonta's annual Green Dragon Week, which showcases the campus's commitment to sustainability through various events and activities and celebrates Earth Day.

Sustainability is a core value at SUNY Oneonta, and it is infused into all aspects of campus life, from academics to operations and engagement. Evidence of the university's commitment to sustainability can be seen in the student-run Red Closet Thrift Shop, courses with sustainability designations in more than half of the academic departments, an active University Advisory Council made up of faculty, staff and students, and an overall commitment to supporting a community that is socially just, environmentally healthy and economically stable.

To view these students click here: https://oneonta.meritpages.com/achievements/12-SUNY-Oneonta-Students-Earn-Recognition-for-Sustainability-Efforts/176529