174th Attack Wing Hosts New York Civil Air Patrol Cadet Encampment

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Civil Air Patrol Cadets exit a C-17 Globemaster III transport plan at Hancock Field Air National Guard Base during the 2023 Civil Air Patrol encampment.

HANCOCK FIELD, SYRACUSE NY (07/22/2024) (readMedia)-- Over 100 Civil Air Patrol (CAP) cadets from all over New York state will participate in a week-long leadership encampment hosted by the New York Air Guard's 174th Attack Wing from July 22-28.

Members of the press are invited to cover the event.

WHO: The 2024 New York State Civil Air Patrol (CAP) encampment will take place at Hancock Field Air National Guard Base in Syracuse, NY, home of the Air National Guard's 174th Attack Wing.

WHAT: The week-long encampment brings together cadets from across the state. The cadets, ages 12-21, learn the fundamentals of what it means to be an auxiliary unit of the Air Force, along with leadership skills. The cadets will live in tents on Hancock Field Air National Guard Base for the duration of the encampment. During this time, they will learn to march in formation, receive incentive flights on military aircraft, attend an Air Force career day, and receive a variety of academic lessons, culminating in a large graduation event.

WHERE: Media will enter Hancock Field Air National Guard Base through the Main Gate on East Molloy Road

WHEN: The best coverage opportunity will be the afternoon of Wednesday, July 24, during a large drill and ceremony practice formation. During this time, all cadets will be marching together. The event begins at 2:45 p.m. and media should arrive no later than 2:15 p.m.

Coverage opportunities:

Still and video images of the CAP cadet drill and ceremony practice. There will be an opportunity to interview CAP cadets and staff.

Members of the press must call Major Suzanne Jedrosko at 315-744-0693 for access to this secure military facility no later than 9 a.m. on July 24. Press must have identification.


The Civil Air Patrol, known as CAP for short, is the official civilian auxiliary of the United States Air Force. It provides assistance during emergencies and runs a youth cadet program for teens.

The encampment gives cadets hands-on training in aviation and emergency services while also challenging and empowering them. During the encampment, the cadets engage in a variety of instructional modules, including workshops on leadership development and familiarization with aircraft, all while being supervised by experienced CAP officers and instructors.

In addition to providing the cadets with valuable knowledge and experiences, the CAP Encampment also instills in them a sense of purpose and a commitment to helping their communities and country. These young aviation enthusiasts are placing themselves as future leaders in both aviation and society as they take to the skies, carrying with them the lessons they have learned on this journey.

"You meet people from all different walks of life, different areas, you learn a lot of military customs and courtesies, get to see a lot of different aircraft, and have a lot of experiences you wouldn't be able to get elsewhere," said Cadet Major Deirdre O'Callaghan, Squadron 1 Commander of the 2023 encampment. "Every encampment I've attended I've gained more experiences, life lessons, and friends."