APSU's Howell, Huffman, White have strong showing at Tennessee Collegiate Honors Council
Several members of the Austin Peay State University Honors Program and President's Emerging Leaders Program (PELP) traveled to East Tennessee State University earlier this month to present their research and expertise at the Tennessee Collegiate Honors Council (TCHC) annual meeting.
During this year's meeting, three students presented their work, and Dr. Tim Winters, director of the APSU Honors and PELP programs, was elected the new TCHC president.
The students and the topics they presented included:
Mara Howell, a sophomore business major and honors student, "The Digital Divide: The Foot on Rural America's Neck."
Zoe Huffman, a freshman English major and Honors and PELP student, "Gender Inequality around the World."
Jessica White, a sophomore English major and Honors and PELP student, "Psychopathy vs. Sociopathy in the works of Edgar Allan Poe."
"Our students did a fantastic job, and I am very proud of them," Winters said.
And now that he is president, Austin Peay will host the TCHC meeting in the spring of 2023. For information on the APSU Honors Program, visit www.apsu.edu/honors. For information on PELP, visit www.apsu.edu/pelp.
To view these students click here: https://apsu.meritpages.com/achievements/APSU-s-Howell-Huffman-White-have-strong-showing-at-Tennessee-Collegiate-Honors-Council/145279