Arvin Ting Receives Miami University President's Distinguished Service Award
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OXFORD, OH (05/04/2011)(readMedia)-- Sunday, April 10, marked the 27th annual presentation of the President's Distinguished Service Awards. The ceremony was held at 3:00 p.m. in Kumler Chapel and featured a musical presentation by Miami senior harpist, Chelsea Miller; a welcome by Vice President for Student Affairs, Barbara Jones; and remarks by the president of the university, David C. Hodge.
The President's Distinguished Service Awards is sponsored by the Miami University Parents Fund and the Parents Office. Arvin Ting received the 2011 award for his contribution as an international advocate, athlete, teacher, and mentor. He was nominated by Dr. Richard L. Nault, Dr. Roger L. Jenkins, and Mr. Richard D. Little.
Twenty Miami student recipients and their nominators, families, and friends gathered to celebrate the awards at a reception held in the chapel after the awards ceremony. Arvin will graduate from Miami in May 2011 with a major in finance and accountancy. He is a graduate of Philippine Cultural High School in Manila.