Caitlin Bernard was recognized at Honors Program's Award Convocation at Northern Arizona University
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FLAGSTAFF, AZ (06/22/2011)(readMedia)-- Caitlin Bernard, a Freshman International Affairs (BA) major and a resident of Bedford, NH, was one of more than 50 students recognized at the Honors Program's Award Convocation at Northern Arizona University. Caitlin's scholastic accomplishments and participation in the honors program were highlighted on April 30.
Caitlin was a recipient of the HON 190 Best of Class writing Award for Fall 2010.
"We are very pleased to have so many quality students in our program; it's no easy task to select just one student for an award" said program assistant director, Glenn Hansen. "We're very proud of all our student accomplishments-participants in our honors program are often among the top of their class."
The honors program prepares academically motivated students for a global and changing society by cultivating creative problem solving abilities and communication skills through a rigorous, personalized program of study. Honors' of scholars values excellence, inquiry, innovation, fellowship, and distinction by promoting the highest standards of academic integrity and excellence across campus; providing meaningful, innovative, interdisciplinary connections; encouraging leadership, research, community engagement, service learning, creative endeavors, international education, and the exploration of diversity; providing a stimulating residential environment by integrating academics, learning communities, mentoring, and extra-curricular learning.
Founded in 1899, Northern Arizona University has established a powerful legacy of educating students to help them make a difference in the world. With an expansive Extended Campuses program, the university has an undergraduate enrollment of approximately 20,000 students located at more than 30 sites across Arizona or online. The university is a leader in integrating sustainability into university policies and educational curriculum highlighted by the Platinum LEED-certified Applied Research and Development building, the third-greenest building in the world. More information is online at