Children's Cancer Connection Receives Great Iowa Treasure Hunt Check from Treasurer Smith

DES MOINES, IA (05/24/2023) (readMedia)-- State Treasurer Roby Smith presented a check to the Children's Cancer Connection (CCC) for their lost funds in the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt. "Staff at organizations like CCC are what make me proud to be an Iowan," said Smith. "Their commitment to families affected by childhood cancer is invaluable, and I hope this check for over $300 can further their work in 'focusing on the entire family, the entire journey.'"

CCC is located in Johnston and is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting Iowa families impacted by a pediatric cancer diagnosis. On behalf of CCC, Chief Executive Officer Jennifer Hines was present to receive the check. "Children's Cancer Connection underwent a name change in 2010 and has moved locations twice in the past ten years, resulting in some payments being sent to an old address or issued to our former name, the Heart Connection," said Hines. "As a small Iowa-based non-profit serving children and families affected by pediatric cancer, we are grateful to have recovered these funds through the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt. The funds received will be used for programs for more than 760 Iowa families served by Children's Cancer Connection."

When a financial institution or other business is unable to contact the owner of a forgotten checking and savings account, stock, uncashed check, life insurance policy, utility refund, safe deposit box or other financial asset, Iowa law requires them to turn it over to the State Treasurer's Office. Through the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt, Smith reunites the asset with its rightful owner.

"Word of mouth is one of our best tools when it comes to raising awareness of the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt," said Smith. "All it takes is 30 seconds to search, but don't be surprised if you find yourself looking for family members, friends and your favorite businesses. When you do – make sure to share what you find!"

Iowans and businesses can search for their name at It's secure, free and easy to use. Follow the Treasurer on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to stay up-to-date on all areas of the office.
