Comments of MSSNY President Leah McCormack, Md

Regarding the Implications of Congress' Failure to Prevent 21% Medicare Cut

WESTBURY, NY (06/23/2010)(readMedia)-- "It is outrageous that Congressional finger-pointing is putting so many New York seniors' access to health care in jeopardy. Congress has failed to pass "same-as" legislation to prevent an outrageously large 21% Medicare physician reimbursement cut. While the House and Senate have each passed separate measures to address this problem, they have not passed the same bill, and thus have permitted this unsustainably severe cut to go into effect.

Regardless of which party, which House of Congress, which individual Senators or members of the House are to blame for the failure to enact agreed upon legislation to prevent this cut, their cumulative inaction has left seniors wondering if their doctors will be available to provide the care upon which they depend. It has also left physicians wondering if their practices will be able to remain viable. Moreover, this cut has severe employment consequences for New York State, as a recent MSSNY study shows that the work of one physician supports the employment of eight other people.

We appreciate the support given by the many members of the New York Congressional delegation to support a permanent fix of the grossly flawed formula for determining Medicare reimbursement. It is this failed formula that triggers such staggering cuts, and it must be changed. However, our elected leaders now must re-double their efforts, do all in their power to pass legislation to fix this problem at once, and preserve access to care not only for our seniors and members of the military, but for all New Yorkers.

Enacting legislation to provide New Yorkers with greater access to health care insurance is meaningless unless our elected officials assure that physicians will be available to provide essential care. Patients and their physicians should not be made pawns in partisan political wrangling.

We call upon our members of Congress to immediately pass "same-as" legislation that will reverse this "Medicare meltdown" and preserve access to care for New Yorkers."


Medical Society of the State of New York, 99 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12210