Education Department Recognizes Student Thesis Projects

On Thursday, December 9, the Education Department had six students present their thesis projects as part of the Master of Education in The Art of Teaching. The department would like to recognize the following:

Veronica Bocian: Teacher Perspectives and Student Success

Christina DeJesus: How is Student Behavior and Teachers' Perception Impacted by the Implementation of Trauma-Informed Schools on Children who have Experienced ACEs and Trauma?

Amy Drabic: The Emotional Impact the STAR Testing Program has on Learning Support Students, Relating to Student Affect and Student Confidence

Daniel Lugo: The Effects of Virtual Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic on Teachers and Students in Grades K-12 within the United States: A Systematic Review

Fatima Somji: The Impact of Mindfulness on College Students' Cognitive, Mental, and Physical Health

Zackery Wilson: Physical Activity and How it Influences Mental Health and SEL

To view these students click here: