Grace Christian University Student Ministering to Grief-Stricken Youth
For the past two semesters, Joel Beltman is one of many students who has served at Starlight Ministries. Located in Jenison, Michigan, Starlight is a Christ-centered ministry providing hope, healing, and support for those who are grieving a loss. Starlight Ministries uses the support group model with a Christian perspective. In this atmosphere, the participants often encourage one another as the facilitator guides the direction of the conversation. The ministry provides a weekly dinner for families, and then the participants attend their support groups. While children's groups are divided by age, adult groups are formed with consideration given to the circumstances surrounding the death they are mourning.
Joel, currently a junior at Grace Christian University, facilitates for the middle school group. Each of the youth groups has a male and a female facilitator. This is something Joel never would have imagined doing a year ago. In spite of his initial reservations about working with youth rather than adults, he feels working with these kids has been a very positive experience. "Joel is an asset to our team. His willingness to jump right in and work with the middle school kids has been a blessing. I especially like how he leads yet does the crafts and projects with them making himself part of the group," says Gwen Kapcia, Director of Program Development. Joel says it brings a smile to his face to observe how God works in each of the children as the unit progresses, seeing God lead them through these unfortunate circumstances.
Joel joined Starlight in September 2018, yet he says it feels like it is something he has been doing for a much longer time period. Joel shares that it has been a blast joining the team and hearing about the successes of participants in other groups at their post-session meetings. He hopes to continue volunteering with Starlight, and perhaps he will be able to intern there during his senior year.