Jackpot! $2.3 Million Great Iowa Treasure Hunt Payout
Storm Lake Estate Receives Largest Claim in State History
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DES MOINES, IA (07/17/2015)(readMedia)-- State Treasurer Michael L. Fitzgerald announced today the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt has returned a record $2.3 million in unclaimed property to one gentleman's estate in Storm Lake. "I'm very excited to announce the Maurice Wittrock unclaimed properties were claimed through his estate," Fitzgerald said. "Many of the properties have been in the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt for years. Throughout the years, we tried to reach out and contact Mr. Wittrock, but he chose not to come forward to claim his property. During that time, finders reached out to him as well, offering to reunite him for a fee. I'm pleased his attorney and the estate were able to claim the money at no cost. Our mission is to reunite unclaimed property to its rightful owners and we do that at no cost."
The Great Iowa Treasure Hunt program has returned over $195 million in unclaimed property to more than 465,000 individuals since Fitzgerald started it in 1983. Unclaimed property refers to money and other assets held by financial institutions or companies that have lost contact with the property's owner for a specific period of time. State law requires these institutions and companies to annually report and deliver unclaimed property to the state treasurer's office, where it is held until the owner or heir of the property is found. Common forms of unclaimed property include savings or checking accounts, stocks, uncashed checks, life insurance policies, utility security deposits, and safe deposit box contents.
Visit the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt at GreatIowaTreasureHunt.com to begin your search. Be sure to like Great Iowa Treasure Hunt on Facebook and follow the program on Twitter @GreatIATreasure.