Kelli McCormack Brown to Give Poskanzer Lecture
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CORTLAND, NY (03/16/2011)(readMedia)-- Kelli Renee McCormack Brown, associate dean for academic affairs in the University of Florida's College of Health and Human Performance, will deliver the fourth annual Charles N. Poskanzer Lecture on Thursday, March 24, at SUNY Cortland.
Brown's talk, titled "Social Marketing: What's the Value Added for Health Promotion Research and Practice," begins at 7 p.m. in Brockway Hall Jacobus Lounge.
Sponsored by the College's Health Department, the lecture is free and open to the public. The event is supported by the Charles N. Poskanzer Fund, an endowment named in honor of the College's late SUNY Distinguished Service Professor who taught in the Health Department for 40 years.
Brown has served since 2001 on the Social Marketing Quarterly editorial board. Since May 2008, she has served as editor-in-chief at the Journal of School Health.
Describing herself as a "scholar-teacher-administrator," Brown has supported faculty, students and staff in achieving excellence in diverse areas over more than 20 years of facilitative-style academic leadership.
Currently, she provides leadership and administration in the areas of graduate and undergraduate academic affairs in the college, comprising departments in applied physiology and kinesiology; health education and behavior; and tourism, recreation and sport management; and four centers: Center for Exercise Science, Florida Center for Health Promotion, Center for Tourism Research and Development, and Addictive and Health Behaviors Institute.
She joined the faculty as an associate professor in 1996 and was promoted to professor in 2004. In 2007, she became an affiliate faculty member, continuing to teach courses such as Community Health Education, Community Partnerships and Alliances, Evidence-based Health Promotion Programs, Health Education and Emerging Technology, Introduction to Social Marketing, and Social and Behavioral Sciences Applied to Public Health.
Before joining the University of Florida, Brown served from 1994-96 as professor and chair of the Department of Health Sciences at Illinois State University. She was assistant to the dean in Western Illinois University's College of Health, Physical Education and Recreation from 1993-94.
She has extensive community and public health experience with the Cairo Community Health Center, Cairo, Ill., Planned Parenthood of Greater Toledo, Inc., Toledo, Ohio, and with the Texas Migrant Council of Northwest Ohio in Toledo.
She has conducted nearly $9 million in externally funded research. Her research interests include adolescent/school health, children's oral health, community and school health partnerships, and social [prevention] marketing and public health.
Brown has co-written seven books in her area of interest, most recently the 2002 text co-authored with D.Q. Thomas and J. Kotecki, Physical Activity and Health: An Interactive Approach (Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, Mass). She is the author or co-author of more than 60 articles in refereed journals in her field as well as many book chapters, manuals, technical reports and teaching publications.
She is a frequent presenter and workshop facilitator at national and international professional conferences in her field.
Brown presently serves as a research consortium member of the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD)/American Association for Health Education (AAHE) and is an AAHPERD Research Consortium Fellow. Brown was a section council member of the American Public Health Association (APHA), School Health Education and Services Section. She served on the board of directors and was an editorial board member of the American School Health Association (ASHA). Brown served the State of Florida Department of Health as a Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant Advisory Committee member from July 1999-2010. Since 2008, she has served as University of Florida institutional representative of the Florida Office of Women in Higher Education.
Brown earned an A.A.S. in dental hygiene from The Michael J. Owens Technical College and a B.S. in public health services from the University of Toledo. She received a Master of Science and Education in Public Health Education from the University of Toledo. She has a doctorate in education with a concentration in health education from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
For more information, contact Bonni C. Hodges, professor and chair of health, at (607) 753-4225 or at