Kutztown University and Kutztown Area School District Sign Enrollment Agreement
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(L to R): Dr. Anne Zayaitz, KU provost and vice president for Academic Affairs; Dr. Kenneth S. Hawkinson, KU President; Dr. George F. Fiore, Kutztown Area School District Superintendent; Carl Ziegler, Kutztown Area School District School Board President
(L to R): Dr. Kenneth S. Hawkinson, KU President; and Dr. George F. Fiore, Kutztown Area School District Superintendent
KUTZTOWN, PA (12/04/2018) Kutztown University President Dr. Kenneth S. Hawkinson signed a five-year admission agreement with Kutztown Area School District Superintendent Dr. George F. Fiore on Tuesday to facilitate the enrollment of high school students in both on- and off-campus courses.
The agreement will allow select Kutztown Area School District students to enroll in an off-campus course as non-degree students at the university. The district will provide the documentation necessary for enrollment without cost, including a high school transcript and a letter from a guidance counselor attesting to the suitability of each course, while each selected student will be responsible for applying for non-degree status. The agreement will also allow select students to enroll in on-campus courses during both the academic year and the summer as non-degree students on a space-available basis.
"We're very excited about this program. This is exactly the type of program a university should have - working with their local high school," Hawkinson said. "This agreement will provide an affordable, high-quality education for the students of this community."
Kutztown University will provide the district's students with a reduced tuition rate for both off and on-campus enrollment, and students will be responsible for the balance of tuition and fees. Fees for on-campus courses are defined on the KU website.
"We're looking for our students to be college- and career-ready, and what better way than to have children start that process as early as high school," Fiore said. "We're excited to partner with KU because this is our community, our town and our kids.
"We're making better tomorrows, today."
In addition, Kutztown Area School District students registered as non-degree students at the university under the agreement will have the same rights, privileges, and responsibilities as other non-degree students including the right to a student I.D., use of the library and other academic resources. All university policies and procedures including, but not limited to, academic policies and student discipline policies shall apply.
For more information about the new partnership, visit the KU website at www.kutztown.edu or contact Jim Garraway, assistant director of Admissions at KU, at 610-683-4060.