Lindsey Blankenship becomes a Making Cent$ Peer Mentor

Lindsey Blankenship, of Hauppauge, NY, became a Making Cent$ Peer Mentor in the Fall 2024 semester. Blankenship is studying Media Studies at SUNY Oneonta.

Making Cent$ Peer Mentors are students who have initially started as Making Cent$ Interns. During their time as interns, they train with Making Cent$ staff members to learn information that will help them improve their proficiency in financial literacy and help the students around them with financial topics. As interns, these students help complete tasks to keep the Making Cent$ Program running. They also act as a connection to the student community and provide a lot of outreach to their peers. After around a year of training, Making Cent$ Interns take the Making Cent$ Intern Financial Wellness Exam, designed to demonstrate the knowledge they have acquired through their training. After passing this exam and demonstrating their abilities to host different Making Cent$ activities, a Making Cent$ Intern earns the title "Making Cent$ Peer Mentor."

Making Cent$ Peer Mentors host one-on-one meetings with students to discuss student loans and help other students create or improve their budgets. They also often become the primary host of activities like Money Personalities. They continue outreach to other students and have a high level of mentorship with newly hired Making Cent$ Interns.

Blankenship started her Making Cent$ Internship in August of 2023 and has excelled throughout her entire internship. Daily, she demonstrates a dedication to helping her peers with financial literacy and other aspects of their daily lives.

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