Lottery Lightning Strikes Twice in Caledonia: 2010 Jackpot Winner Claims $150,000 Scratch-Off Prize
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CALEDONIA, NY (10/07/2011)(readMedia)-- Josesphine Berndl of Caledonia, Livingston County, is living proof that Lottery lightning can strike twice. The 59-year-old grandmother who won a $2,000,000 top prize on a Lottery scratch-off ticket in September 2010 today claimed another instant game prize worth $150,000.
Berndl bought her winning Mega Money Multiplier ticket at the A-Plus Mini Mart on North Street in Caledonia – the same store where she purchased her $2,000,000 winner in 2010. Berndl won her first Lottery fortune on the $500,000,000 Extravaganza scratch-off game. That prize is paid as $100,000 a year for 20 years. The $20 game was recently retired, making way for the new Mega Money Multiplier ticket that offers a top prize of $5,000,000 to be paid as a lump sum.
Berndl said she will use her latest windfall to fix up a house she and her husband purchased recently. The extra cash will also give the couple some extra spending money for an upcoming European vacation.
The New York Lottery continues to be North America's largest and most profitable Lottery, contributing over $3 billion in fiscal year 2010-2011 to help support education in New York State. The Lottery's aid represents over 15 percent of total state education funding to local school districts.
Lottery revenue is distributed to local school districts by the same statutory formula used to distribute other state aid to education. It takes into account both a school district's size and its income level; larger, lower-income school districts receive proportionately larger shares of Lottery school funding.
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