450 Town & County Highway Superintendents Expected Next Week in Albany for Local Roads Matter Campaign Rally

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ALBANY, NY (02/28/2008)(readMedia)--

WHAT: 2008 Local Roads & Bridges Grassroots Campaign

WHEN: March 5, 2008 from 7:30-9:30am

WHERE: Crown Plaza Hotel, State & Lodge Streets, Albany, NY

DETAIL: The New York State Association of Town Superintendents of Highways, Inc. (NYSAOTSOH) and the New York State County Highway Superintendents Association (NYSCHSA) have launched a massive grass roots campaign to garner legislative and public support for increased and equitable funding for the state’s local roads and bridges infrastructure. Information about the event and legislative materials may be downloaded from the NYSAOTSOH web site at or the NYSCHSA web site at

CONTACT:For more information about the Grass Roots Campaign, contact NYSAOTSOH Communications Director, Michael Thompson by phone (518-694-9313) or email ( or contact NYSCHSA Communications Director, Joseph Van De Loo by phone (518-465-1694) or email (