MN Board of Medical Practice Announces Disciplinary Action Taken November 13, 2010

MINNEAPOLIS, MN (11/18/2010)(readMedia)-- Eugene B. Byron, M.D. #29489

521 South 5th Street

Grand Forks, ND 58201

Date of Birth: January 19, 1942

Date of Action: November 13, 2010

Nature of Misconduct: Disciplinary action in another state.

Action Taken: Dr. Byron's license is conditioned as follows:

1. He shall comply with all terms and conditions imposed on his North Dakota license to practice medicine. The terms and conditions of the North Dakota Order are incorporated by reference.

2. He may petition for reinstatement of an unconditional license in Minnesota after submitting evidence that he has satisfied the terms and conditions of his North Dakota Order.

Paul E. Huepenbecker, M.D. #30263

Dean West Clinic

752 North High Point Road

Madison, WI 53717

Date of Birth: December 7, 1954

Date of Action: November 13, 2010

Nature of Misconduct: Disciplinary action in another state.

Action Taken: Dr. Huepenbecker's license is conditioned and restricted as follows:

1. He shall comply with all terms and conditions imposed on his Wisconsin license to practice medicine. The terms and conditions of the Wisconsin Order are incorporated by reference.

2. If he intends to practice in Minnesota, he shall first meet with a Complaint Review Committee at which time the Board may further condition or restrict his license.

3. He may petition for reinstatement of an unconditional license in Minnesota after submitting evidence that he has satisfied the terms and conditions of his Wisconsin Order.

Samuel B. Kriegler #44454

901 9th Street North, Suite 315

Virginia, MN 55792

Date of Birth: January 1, 1948

Date of Action: November 13, 2010

Nature of Misconduct: Unprofessional and unethical conduct.

Action Taken: Dr. Kriegler's license is conditioned as follows:

1. He is reprimanded.

2. He shall successfully complete, within nine months, a pre-approved course in female pelvic dysfunction.

3. Upon successful complete of the above-referenced course, and within nine months, he shall write and submit a paper discussing what he has learned from the course and how he has implemented the knowledge into his practice.

4. He shall obtain a pre-approved supervising physician who shall submit quarterly reports to the Board.

5. He shall meet quarterly with a designated Board member.

6. This Order shall remain in effect for a minimum of two years.

Michael M. Priebe, M.D. #49216

1141 23rd Avenue SW

Rochester, MN 55902

Date of Birth: November 18, 1960

Date of Action: November 13, 2010

Nature of Misconduct: Unprofessional and unethical conduct; engaging in conduct with a patient that is sexual.

Action Taken: Dr. Priebe's license is conditioned and restricted as follows:

1. He is reprimanded.

2. He shall not engage in conduct which is sexual or may reasonably be interpreted by the patient as sexual.

3. He shall have a female chaperone present during all physical examinations of female patients.

4. He shall successfully complete, within six months, a pre-approved course in professional boundaries.

5. Upon successful complete of the above-referenced coursework, and within six months, he shall write and submit a paper discussing what he has learned from the course and how he has implemented the knowledge into his practice.

6. He shall meet quarterly with a designated Board member.

7. He shall pay a $1,830.40 civil penalty.

8. This Order shall remain in effect for a minimum of one year.

Luke B. Rylander, P.A. #9702

1755 Eleanor Avenue

St. Paul, MN 55116

Date of Birth: March 29, 1962

Date of Action: November 13, 2010

Nature of Misconduct: Unprofessional and unethical conduct; engaging in conduct with a patient that is sexual.

Action Taken: Mr. Rylander's license is conditioned and restricted as follows:

1. He is reprimanded.

2. He shall not engage in conduct which is sexual or may reasonably be interpreted by the patient as sexual.

3. He shall successfully complete, within six months, a pre-approved course in professional boundaries.

4. He shall practice in a pre-approved setting.

5. He shall meet quarterly with a designated Board member.

6. He shall pay a $1,440.00 civil penalty.

7. This Order shall remain in effect for a minimum of one year.

John D. Seifert, M.D. #17495

P. O. Box 472308

Garland, TX 75047-2308

Date of Birth: October 5, 1937

Date of Action: November 13, 2010

Nature of Misconduct: Disciplinary action in another state.

Action Taken: Dr. Seifert shall surrender his license as follows:

1. He shall voluntarily surrender his license to practice medicine and surgery in Minnesota.

2. Upon the surrender of his license, the Board agrees to close its files in this matter.

3. Should he seek re-licensure in Minnesota, the Board may re-open its investigation.

Mark A. Shoemaker, P.A. #8822

17021 Helium Street NW

Ramsey, MN 55303

Date of Birth: November 1, 1950

Date of Action: November 13, 2010

Nature of Misconduct: Violating an Order of the Board; unethical and unprofessional conduct.

Action Taken: Mr. Shoemaker's license is conditioned as follows:

1. He is reprimanded.

2. Within one year he shall successfully complete a pre-approved course in emergency medicine.

3. He shall pay a $1,945.60 civil penalty.

4. He shall fully comply with the terms and conditions of his 2009 Order.

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