MN Board of Medical Practice March 8, 2014 Publishable Actions Press Release

MINNEAPOLIS, MN (03/14/2014)(readMedia)-- Publishable Press Releases, March 8, 2014, Board Meeting

Wendell C. Danforth, M.D. #41858

428 Kingsford Road

Fayetteville, NC 28314

Year of Birth: 1964

Date of Action: March 8, 2014

Nature of Misconduct: Disciplinary action against the physician's license in another state.

Action Taken: Dr. Danforth's license is suspended as follows:

1. His license is indefinitely suspended.

2. During the suspension, he shall not practice medicine and surgery in Minnesota.

3. He may petition for reinstatement of his license upon submission of satisfactory evidence that he is fit and competent to resume practice with reasonable skill and safety to patients.

4. Upon petitioning for reinstatement, he shall appear before the Committee to discuss his petition.


Kenneth S. Koeneman, M.D. #46470

3341 Ricci Lane

Irving, TX 75062

Year of Birth: 1966

Date of Action: January 20, 2014

Nature of Misconduct: Unethical Conduct.

Action Taken: Dr. Koeneman's license is Reprimanded.