May 9, 2009 Board Meeting - Publishable Orders
Michael V. Baich, M.D., #20782
P. O. Box 198
Coleraine, MN 55722-0198
Date of Birth: August 27, 1944
Date of Action: May 9, 2009
Nature of Misconduct: Unprofessional and unethical conduct; improper management of medical records; prescribing a drug for other than medically accepted purposes.
Action Taken: Dr. Baich's license is conditioned and restricted as follows:
1. He shall successfully complete, within one year, the following pre-approved courses:
a. Chemical dependency awareness;
b. Chronic pain management;
c. Medical records management;
d. Family practice review; and
e. Professional boundaries.
2. Six months following completion of the pre-approved coursework, he shall undergo an audit of his prescribing practice.
3. He shall maintain a daily log of all controlled substance prescriptions. The log shall be made available for monthly review by his supervising physician and for quarterly review by his designated Board member.
4. He shall meet monthly with a pre-approved supervising physician who shall submit quarterly reports to the Board.
5. He shall meet quarterly with a designated Board member.
6. He shall pay costs of $5,379 within six months.
7. This Order shall remain in effect for a minimum of two years after which he may petition for reinstatement of an unconditional license.
Thomas W. Ellis, P.A., #9063
2873 233rd Lane NW
St. Francis, MN 55070
Date of Birth: September 27, 1950
Date of Action: May 9, 2009
Nature of Misconduct: Unprofessional conduct; improper management of medical records.
Action Taken: Mr. Ellis' registration is conditioned and restricted as follows:
1. He is reprimanded.
2. He shall successfully complete, within six months, the following pre-approved courses:
a. Treatment of ophthalmologic emergencies;
b. Medical records management.
3. He shall limit his practice to a maximum of 45 hours per week in his current clinical setting(s), or in a pre-approved setting.
4. He shall meet at least monthly with a pre-approved supervising physician from his current clinical setting or with a pre-approved supervising physician from a pre-approved setting. The supervising physician shall submit quarterly reports to the Board.
5. He shall meet quarterly with a designated Board member.
6. He may petition for reinstatement of an unconditional registration in two years.
Peter C. Frederixon, M.D., #20983
Apple Valley Medical Clinic, Ltd.
14655 Galaxie Avenue
Apple Valley, MN 55124
Date of Birth: March 15, 1940
Date of Action: May 9, 2009
Nature of Misconduct: Unprofessional conduct; improper management of medical records; prescribing a drug for other than medically accepted purposes.
Action Taken: Dr. Frederixon's license is conditioned and restricted as follows:
1. He is reprimanded.
2. He shall submit a paper, for Committee approval, addressing what he learned from the American Board of Family Medicine, Pain Management Self-Assessment Module, and how he will implement this knowledge into his practice.
3. He shall successfully complete, within one year, the following pre-approved courses:
a. Pharmacology;
b. Chemical dependency awareness;
c. Medical records management;
d. Professional boundaries.
4. He shall maintain a daily log of all controlled substance prescriptions. The log shall be made available for weekly review by his supervising physician and for quarterly review by his designated Board member.
5. He shall practice in a pre-approved group setting.
6. He shall develop, and submit for Committee approval, a written protocol for the management and tracking of controlled substance prescriptions. Upon approval of the protocol, he shall implement it into his practice.
7. He shall develop, and submit for Committee approval, a pain contract for use with patients receiving prescriptions for controlled substances. Upon approval of the pain contract, he shall implement it into his practice.
8. He shall meet monthly with a pre-approved supervising physician who shall submit quarterly reports to the Board.
9. He shall meet quarterly with a designated Board member.
10. He shall pay costs of $5,291 within six months.
11. This Order shall remain in effect for a minimum of two years after which he may petition for reinstatement of an unconditional license.
James C. Harvanko, M.D., #37637
Blue Iris Center for Therapeutic Services
6607 18th Avenue South, Suite 201
Richfield, MN 55423
Date of Birth: March 30, 1963
Date of Action: May 9, 2009
Nature of Misconduct: Unprofessional and unethical conduct; engaging in conduct with a patient that is sexual or may reasonably be interpreted by the patient as sexual.
Action Taken: Dr. Harvanko shall surrender his license as follows:
1. He shall voluntarily surrender his license to practice medicine and surgery in Minnesota.
2. Upon the surrender of his license, the Board agrees to close its files.
3. Should he seek re-licensure in Minnesota, the Board may re-open its investigation.
Cory M. Rossow, M.D., #37583
41310 240th Street
Morgan, MN 56266
Date of Birth: November 8, 1963
Date of Action: May 9, 2009
Nature of Misconduct: Unethical conduct.
Action Taken: Dr. Rossow's license is conditioned and restricted as follows:
- He shall not treat patients under the age of 18 years.
- He shall practice in a pre-approved group setting.
- He shall receive psychotherapy from a pre-approved therapist who shall submit quarterly reports to the Board.
- He shall read The Wounded Healer by Richard Irons, M.D., and Jennifer Schneider, M.D., and shall write a paper describing what he has learned.
- He shall successfully complete, within six months, a pre-approved professional boundaries training course.
- He shall meet quarterly with a designated Board member.
- This Order shall remain in effect for a minimum of two years.