Morrisville State College Student Jeff Costello Receives Liberal Arts Award
MORRISVILLE, NY (04/19/2011)(readMedia)-- Morrisville State College liberal arts students were recently honored for their achievements during the 10th annual Liberal Arts Tea. The event is part of the college's annual celebration of academic excellence.
The Journalism Student-of-the-Year Award, given to the most outstanding student in a journalism program, was presented Jeff Costello, of Cazenovia, N.Y., a journalism and communication for online media bachelor degree major. Costello is managing editor of the CHIMES (college) newspaper and is a member of the Gamers' Guild, having served as president, vice-president, SGO representative, and treasurer. A member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society for two-year college students, he has been invited to join Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) Honor Society for baccalaureate students.
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