New York National Guard Hosts United States Chamber of Commerce Hiring Our Heroes Job Fair at Utica Armory

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UTICA, NY (08/02/2012)(readMedia)-- The New York National Guard Employment Initiative Program will sponsor the latest in a series of U.S. Chamber of Commerce hiring fairs aimed at helping veterans and members of the reserve components find employers who would benefit from their skills at the New York State Armory here on Friday, August 3.

WHO: Members of the New York Army National Guard's 105th and 107th Military Police Companies (who were deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, respectively) veterans of all services and military spouses, as well as employers looking for skilled, motivated, employees.

WHAT: The latest in a series of Hiring Our Heroes hiring events sponsored around the country by the United States Chamber of Commerce. The event is co-sponsored locally by the Mohawk Valley Chamber of Commerce, Department of Labor Veterans' Employment & Training Service (DOL VETS), Employer Support of the Guard & Reserve (ESGR), U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the American Legion, the Rotary International Club and the United States Army Reserve. Major General (two-star) Patrick Murphy, the Adjutant General of New York, will be present at to offer brief remarks and meet with Soldiers.

WHEN: Noon to 4 p.m. on Friday, August 3, 2012

WHERE: New York State Armory 1700 Parkway East, Utica, NY

For information on the Hiring Fair and to set up an interview contact New York National Guard Retired Sgt. Major Robert Van Pelt at 518- 210-2868

Coverage Opportunities:

Reporters will be able to speak with National Guard Soldiers, veterans and other job seekers as well as employers. Major General Patrick Murphy, the Adjutant General of New York, will be on hand to provide some brief remarks and will be available for short interviews. Retired Army National Guard Sgt. Maj. Robert Van Pelt, the administrator of the New York National Guard Employment Initiative will be available for interviews as well.

Veterans, National Guard Soldiers and military spouses interested in participating in the event should visit this website:

Hiring Our Heroes :

In March of 2011, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's National Chamber Foundation launched Hiring Our Heroes, a nationwide initiative to help veterans and military spouses find meaningful employment. Working with our network of 1600 state and local chambers and other strategic partners from the public, private, and non-profit sectors, our goal is to create a movement across America in hundreds of local communities where veterans and military families return every day.

Hiring Our Heroes has hosted more than 220 hiring fairs in 48 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia; more than 10,400 have gotten jobs.

The Chamber expanded its efforts in 2012 with a goal of hosting hiring fairs in 400 communities, the establishment of a stand-alone program for military spouses, and a sustained campaign to enlist the commitments from the small business community to hire veterans and military spouses by the end of 2014.

New York National Guard Employment Initiative:

The New York National Guard Job Zone was established in November 2011 to provide a single source point of contact to facilitate the distribution of employment opportunities throughout the State of New York to our Service Members and their Families. The sources of employment come from federal, state, and civilian employers who seek the attributes associated with military service. It is also the duty of the NYNG Job Zone to partner with the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Program, Department of Labor (DOL) and the wide array of civilian employers who seek the talents of our Service Members.