New York Naval Militia Assists Border Patrol On Lake Champlain
State Force Assists in Enforcing Border Crossing Rules
ROUSES POINT, NY (08/06/2009)(readMedia)-- For the second year, the New York Naval Militia assisted the United States Border Patrol in inspecting pleasure craft entering the United States from Canada on Lake Champlain during the month of July.
From July 3 to July 30, a Naval Militia boat and two-man crew joined Border Patrol Agents in inspecting boats entering the United States at Rouses Point, Clinton County; and directing them to a Customs and Border Protection inspection station.
The Border Patrol routinely mounts operations during the summer to remind boaters of the need to check -in as they enter the United States. A newly opened inspection port has made this process easier for boaters. During the peak boating season 100 to 150 boats will pass through the border daily.
The Naval Militia crews on Patrol Boat 280,--a 28-foot, twin engine, aluminum hulled boat-- would intercept visiting boaters, explain the inspection process, and direct them to the customs station, in conjunction with Border Patrol agents on personal watercraft.
"The members of the New York Naval Militia continue to be a strong partner and have been a great force multiplier for the U S Border Patrol. Their expertise and professionalism during Operation Lake Champlain has allowed us to reallocate our agents to other parts of the lake and provide increased border security in our area of operations," said Swanton Sector Chief Patrol Agent, Daniel B. Doty.
"We look forward to continue working with the NYS Naval Militia to protect the citizens of NY State and the rest of the United States for years to come," Doty said.
The New York Naval Militia, one of six such forces in the United States, is a component of the New York Military Forces commanded by the Adjutant General, Major General Joseph Taluto. During the joint operations the Naval Militia members were in State Active Duty status, working at the direction of Gov. David Paterson and being paid by the State of New York.
"The men and women of our Naval Militia make daily contributions to homeland security, and this joint operation with the Border Patrol is another example of their service dedication," Taluto said.
"This operation is perfect example of the important role the Naval Militia can play working with law enforcement and homeland security on New York's waterways, " said Naval Militia Commander, Maj. Gen. Robert Wolf. "Our country and state benefits from this mission and our members receive valuable training in working with federal officials."
The Naval Militia is composed of about 2,500 members of the Marine Corps, Navy and Coast Guard Reserves who agree to perform state missions when needed at the order of Gov. David A. Paterson, as well as a small group of retired reservist members.
The Naval Militia maintains a fleet of ten patrol boats in its Military Emergency Boat Service (MEBS) which support law enforcement agencies, the United States Coast Guard and other federal agencies. The Naval Militia works regularly with the United States Coast Guard in New York Harbor, carrying inspection teams out to ships waiting offshore to enter the harbor about Patrol Board 440, a state-of-the-art patrol boat.
Photo Cutlines:
New York Naval Militia Petty Officer Garrett Aldershoff speaks with a boat owner entering the United States from Canada on Lake Champlain on July 25 at Rouses Point, NY during a mission supporting the United States Border Patrol's inspection effort on the lake.
New York Naval Militia Petty Officer Garrett Aldershoff watches as Border Patrol Agent Mike Cisco moves out to intercept a boat coming across the United States-Canadian border on Lake Champlain during an inspection enforcement operation on July 25.
PB280 July 21:
New York Naval Militia Patrol Boat 280 passes Fort Montgomery on Lake Champlain on July 21, during a mission assisting the United States Border Patrol at the Canada-United States Border.