New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Applauds Erie County Sheriff Howard's Opposition to SAFE Law

ALBANY, NY (06/04/2013)(readMedia)-- Ever since Governor Cuomo rammed the SAFE firearms law through the State Legislature, sheriffs around the state have been expressing their dissatisfaction with many of its provisions. One of the standouts in this regard has been Sheriff Tim Howard of Erie County.

With more than 40 years in law enforcement Sheriff Howard knows a thing or two about crime prevention. So when he speaks out about the flaws in the SAFE law, and in favor of New York's law-abiding gun owners, the Governor and the Legislature should listen carefully. Sheriff Howard advocates that legislators focus their attention on the people who commit gun crimes rather than on guns – a test that the SAFE law fails miserably. In fact, the SAFE law fails so badly that Sheriff Howard has refused to enforce it, arguing that it is unconstitutional. He has even joined three other NYS sheriffs in filing a friend of the court brief in a federal lawsuit seeking to overturn SAFE.

The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association applauds Sheriff Howard's opposition to the SAFE law, and urges the Governor and Legislature to pay attention to the recommendations of seasoned law enforcement officials.