Nicholas Takebayashi of Honolulu Presents Undergraduate Chemistry Research
EVANSVILLE, IN (09/22/2011)(readMedia)-- The University of Evansville is proud to announce that Nicholas Takebayashi of Honolulu, HI, recently presented his undergraduate research at a poster session hosted by the UE Department of Chemistry.
Takebayashi, a chemistry major and graduate of Moanalua High School, presented "Ion Pair States and Energy Transfer in Iodine" at 5 p.m. Wednesday, September 21, in UE's Koch Center for Engineering and Science.
"Conducting undergraduate research not only helps students prepare for graduate school and a professional career in chemistry, but it provides an opportunity to explore a topic of personal interest and contribute to a body of knowledge," said Kristy Miller, chair of UE's Department of Chemistry. "This poster session gives students such as Nicholas a chance to share their hard work with an audience of fellow chemists."