Nolan Bade of Hartford, WI, Awarded by NAU for His Efforts in Promoting Sustainability
FLAGSTAFF, AZ (04/25/2013)(readMedia)-- The Environmental Caucus at Northern Arizona University has awarded senior, Nolan Bade, for his leadership and involvement in campus sustainability and organization. Nolan is an Environmental Science major, Chair of the NAU Green Jacks, Earthweek Planner, on the Environmental Caucus, and serves as the Vice-Chair or the ASNAU Student Forum on Sustainability.
The Sustainability awards recognize students, faculty and staff, and organizations that contribute to and lead others in making the campus, community, and world a more sustainable and green place to live, work, and play.
The Environmental Caucus facilitates creative and strategic communication across campus to advance the institutional commitment to sustainability and to promote education, research, and collaboration on the environment. More information about the caucus is available online at
Founded in 1899, Northern Arizona University has established a powerful legacy of educating students to help them make a difference in the world. With an expansive Extended Campuses program, the university has an undergraduate enrollment of approximately 20,000 students located at more than 30 sites across Arizona or online. The university is a leader in integrating sustainability into university policies and educational curriculum highlighted by the Platinum LEED-certified Applied Research and Development building, the third-greenest building in the world. More information is online at