O'Pake Fellows Complete Intellectual Property Training to Serve Local Businesses

Alvernia University students in the O'Pake Fellows Program completed an intellectual property (IP) training series centered around patents, licensing, contracts, and the art of protecting creativity through O'Pake's Technology Transfer Office (TTO).

"I have learned many nuances in this series such as smart processes that involve creating contracts related to licensing and patents," said Robert Philpot. "It has given me an important addition of skills that will help me in the field of engineering if I have an idea that I want to pursue. Furthermore, networking with these professional speakers has given me a contact in the IP field.

Through this experience, students were trained to assist companies and entrepreneurs through the process of making the proper advancements regarding patents, trademarks, trade secrets, and copyright as members of the student-powered IP committee. Furthermore, they were able to apply this knowledge directly to their course curriculum, ultimately enriching their experiential learning.

"I have gained another level of knowledge that has helped me excel in a lot of my classes because I understand the legal side of the engineering process in regard to patent work and what exactly goes into a Patent and how to file for one," said Evan Thomas. "I've also received a whole new view on engineering because instead of just understanding the prototyping and testing phase, I now understand how to claim whatever I prototype or test as my own through IP."

In addition, students were able to learn from and engage with industry professionals, including Chuck Valauskas, an IP lawyer based in Chicago; John Zurawski, a partner at the Belles Group, P.C.; and Kattina Barsik, owner of Barsik Law Offices, specializing in intellectual property law across Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The IP committee also played an integral role in the planning and execution of the series.

"I was a part of determining what general topics we should dive into for the training and helping assess which speakers would be best for the different topics," said Blake Rutcosky. "It has been beneficial in expanding my knowledge on licensing intellectual properties as well as refreshing me and fleshing out some of the intricacies of the processes in obtaining various protections."

The O'Pake Fellows Program provides elite undergraduate and graduate students with hands-on experiential learning opportunities. Students of high academic standing from diverse majors and backgrounds can work directly with regional entrepreneurs, small business owners, faculty researchers, and industry leaders, can work directly with regional entrepreneurs, small business owners, faculty researchers and industry leaders. Within this dynamic environment, fellows not only develop personally and professionally but also have the freedom to innovate, experiment, learn from failure, and ultimately thrive. By fostering such an environment, the program enables students to seamlessly transition into their chosen careers as creative and ethical leaders.

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