Press release after 01/12/2013 Board meeting

MINNEAPOLIS, MN (01/25/2013)(readMedia)-- Daniel R. Berg, M.D. #41576

500 Fiddler Avenue SE

New Prague, MN 56071

Year of Birth: 1972

Date of Action: January 12, 2013

Nature of Misconduct: Unprofessional and unethical conduct, improper management of medical records; inappropriate prescribing practices.

Action Taken: Dr. Berg's license is conditioned as follows:

1. He shall read the Model Policy for pain control published by the Federation of State Medical Boards and Responsible Opioid Prescribing, A Physician's Guide, by Scott M. Fishman, M.D;

2. He shall successfully complete, within one year, the following pre-approved courses:

a. Chemical dependency awareness

b. Chronic pain management

c. Medical records management

d. Pharmacology

e. Boundaries

3. He shall maintain a daily log of all controlled substance prescriptions. The log shall be made available for monthly review by the supervising physician and for quarterly review by the designated Board member;

4. He shall maintain records that reflect the patient complaint, clinical findings, treatment plan, response to treatment, and prescriptions authorized, including refills;

5. Six months following his successful completion of the pre-approved courses, he shall undergo an audit of his prescribing practice;

6. He shall develop, and submit for Committee approval, a written protocol for the management and tracking of controlled substance prescriptions;

7. He shall develop, and submit for Committee approval, a written pain management contract;

8. He shall practice in a pre-approved setting;

9. He shall meet monthly with a pre-approved supervising physician who shall submit quarterly reports to the Board;

10. He shall meet quarterly with a designated Board member;

11. He shall pay a civil penalty of $1,000 within six months of the date of Order;

12. This Order shall remain in effect for a minimum of one year.

Fredrick E. Ekberg, M.D. #16940

Radiological Associates

925 East Superior Street, Suite 109

Duluth, MN 55802

Year of Birth: 1937

Date of Action: January 12, 2013

Nature of Misconduct: Unprofessional and unethical conduct, improper management of medical records; inappropriate prescribing practices.

Action Taken: Dr. Ekberg's license is conditioned and restricted as follows:

1. He is reprimanded.

2. He shall successfully complete a pre-approved boundaries course.

3. He shall read the Model Policy for pain control published by the Federation of State Medical Boards and Responsible Opioid Prescribing, A Clinician's Guide, Second Edition, by Scott M. Fishman, M.D.

4. He shall not prescribe Schedule I through Schedule V controlled substances except in a hospital setting. He is prohibited from prescribing Schedule I through Schedule V controlled substances to himself or family members.

5. This Order shall remain in effect for a minimum of two years.

Susan J. Frazier, M.D. #35384

Memorial Health Center Clinics Rib Lake

P. O. Box 338

1121 Highway 102

Rib Lake, WI 54470

Year of Birth: 1958

Date of Action: January 12, 2013

Nature of Misconduct: Disciplinary action against the physician's license in another state.

Action Taken: Dr. Frazier's license is Reprimanded.

Martin H. Janning, M.D. #40016

1801 19th Avenue SW

Willmar, MN 56201

Year of Birth: 1964

Date of Action: January 12, 2013

Nature of Misconduct: Unethical and unprofessional conduct.

Action Taken: Dr. Janning's license is conditioned as follows:

1. He shall successfully complete a pre-approved course in oculoplastic surgery within nine months.

2. He shall observe a minimum of five entropion surgeries performed by a pre-approved physician.

3. Upon successful completion of the coursework and following observation of the entropion surgeries, he shall write and submit, for review and approval by the Complaint Review Committee, a paper describing what he has learned and how this knowledge will be implemented into his practice.

4. This Order shall remain in effect for a minimum of one year.

Lyle E. Lundblad, D.O. #35744

6600 France Avenue South, Suite 660

Edina, MN 55435

Year of Birth: 1956

Date of Action: January 12, 2013

Nature of Misconduct: Unprofessional and unethical conduct, improper management of medical records; inappropriate prescribing practices.

Action Taken: Dr. Lundblad's license is conditioned and restricted as follows:

1. He is reprimanded.

2. He shall practice medicine only under the auspices of a pre-approved residency program or residency-like program.

3. In the alternative, he shall practice under the auspices of a pre-approved Educational Intervention conducted by the Center for Personalized Education for Physicians, Denver, CO.

4. Upon completion of the residency, residency-like, or educational program, he shall meet with the Complaint Review Committee, at which time the Committee may continue, modify or remove the conditions of his Order.

Michael A. Maddaus, M.D. #28178


420 Delaware Street SE

Minneapolis, MN 55455

Year of Birth: 1954

Date of Action: January 12, 2013

Nature of Misconduct: Unprofessional and unethical conduct, inability to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety due to illness; becoming addicted or habituated to a drug or intoxicant, inappropriate prescribing practices.

Action Taken: Dr. Maddaus' license is conditioned and restricted as follows:

1. He is reprimanded.

1. He shall participate in the Health Professionals Services Program (HPSP) and fully comply with all terms and conditions of his HPSP Participation Agreement and Monitoring Plan. Failure to comply with the HPSP Monitoring Plan, including any modifications, shall constitute a violation of this Order.

2. He shall not prescribe, administer, or dispense any controlled substances for his own use or his family members' use.

3. He shall meet quarterly with a designated Board member.

4. He may petition for reinstatement of an unconditional license upon submission of proof of three years of documented, uninterrupted recovery and completion of the terms and conditions of his Order.