RPI Athletics Hands Out Prestigious Awards
As part of the athletic department's annual Welcome Back Ice Cream Social, the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) year-end student-athlete awards - Freshman of the Year, Athlete of the Year and Richard S. Lyons Career Athlete - as well as the Marvin Anderson Award, were announced with eight individuals being honored. Collecting the most prestigious student-athlete awards the department hands out were freshmen Lovisa Selander and Brendan McNerney; Shanny Lin and Ben Fazio as Athlete of the Year honorees; and Taylor Ten Eyck and Jamie Jackson as the Lyons Award recipients. Shannon O'Brien and John Lynch shared the Anderson Award, presented to the Coach of the Year.
To view these students click here: http://rpi.meritpages.com/achievements/RPI-Athletics-Hands-Out-Prestigious-Awards/62344