SUNY Delhi Graduates Honored by Chancellor

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SUNY Delhi Chancellor's award recipients Zhi Li and Meghan Wallace

DELHI, NY (04/05/2013)(readMedia)-- Two SUNY Delhi graduates have been named 2013 recipients of the Chancellor's Award for Student Excellence.

Meghan Wallace of Roxbury, and Zhi Li of Fukoka, Japan, are among an elite group of students to be honored by the State University of New York on April 4 at the Empire State Plaza Convention Center in Albany.

"Meghan and Zhi were outstanding students who embraced SUNY Delhi's commitment to community service," said President Candace S. Vancko. "I am pleased to see that their exceptional achievements have been recognized by Chancellor Zimpher."

Meghan Wallace's academic achievements as a Roxbury high school student earned her a Presidential Scholarship to attend SUNY Delhi. A liberal arts major, she also enrolled in the college's Honors Program, graduating with a 3.91 grade point average. Wallace also excelled outside the classroom, holding leadership positions on campus. She served as student senator and treasurer for Brothers and Sisters in Christ (BASIC), treasurer of the Campus Voice, the college newspaper, and student senator for Phi Theta Kappa, the Delhi chapter of the national honor society for two-year colleges.

Wallace was a Delhi student who immersed herself in volunteer activities. She earned a bronze level Community Service Leader award for performing over 1,000 hours of community service by walking dogs at the local humane society, serving at church dinners and at soup kitchens, giving blood to the Red Cross, fundraising for Hurricane Sandy relief and volunteering with The Arc of Delaware County. Wallace spearheaded Operation Christmas Child, an event that raised nearly $1,600 for toys and toiletries for children around the world. A service-learning project with her Child Growth and Development class prompted her to work with toddlers at the Delhi Campus Child Care Center. She regularly performed with Victory in Praise, Delhi's gospel choir, at community functions and churches during the holidays.

Wallace's deep commitment to service led her to work at Delhi's O'Connor Center for Community Engagement. She assisted students with volunteer opportunities and coordinating campus-wide community service days. Wallace also served as a work study student for the President's Office, Admissions Office, Records and Registration, and the college's child care center.

Zhi Li graduated with an associate's degree in business administration, earning a grade point average of 3.96. He was named to the Dean's List for each semester he studied at Delhi and was awarded the Merrill Family Foundation Scholarship in recognition of his academic achievements and his commitment to leadership and service. Li also earned a Warren O. Hill Second Chance Scholarship for his significant academic performance.

Li's leadership on the Delhi campus earned him a Student Life Citizenship Award that recognized his selfless contributions to campus life. Much of his time was spent assisting Family Day, blood drives, move-in day, and helping the Delhi Beautification Committee. He served as a specialized orientation leader for new Japanese students at social and college events and assisted foreign students as an unpaid tutor. Li helped fundraise for the Japanese earthquake efforts and regularly visited the elderly at the Countryside Care Center. His commitment to volunteering earned him a silver level Community Service Leader of Excellence award for completing over 2,000 volunteer hours. Li won third prize with his essay "Life Is" in a contest sponsored by Agate, the college's literary magazine.

Li worked as a peer tutor for the Resnick Learning Center, assisting students taking accounting courses. He also earned a student assistantship with the college's Purchasing and Accounts Payable Department where his duties included maintaining accounts, entering data for vendor payments and verifying receipt of products by faculty and staff.

SUNY Delhi is a member of the State University of New York, the largest public higher education system in the U.S. Delhi's seamless approach to education includes over 60 academic programs, which allow students to obtain one-year certificates and two-year associate degrees. Students may also pursue a four-year degree in select programs at Delhi. For more information about SUNY Delhi, call toll-free 1-800-96-DELHI or visit Delhi's web site at