SUNY Delhi Hosts Third Annual Technology and Higher Education Conference

DELHI, NY (07/24/2010)(readMedia)-- SUNY Delhi will host its third annual Technology and Higher Education Conference August 11-13, 2010. This year's theme, "Technology during an Economic Crisis, The Benefits of Open Sourcing," looks at how higher education institutions can save money and extend services by implementing open-source software solutions and other initiatives.

Last year's event attracted Over 150 participants from over 80 institutions internationally.

Previous speakers have included: Bob Sutor, Vice President, Open Source and Linux, IBM Software Group, IBM Corporation; Kathy Fernandes, Director, Academic Technologies, California State University; Jonathan Markow, Executive Director Jasig, and Keith Bailey, Director of Penn State University's e-Learning Institute. Topics have spanned across academic and administrative technologies, including Bedework Calendar, Drupal, ESUP HelpDesk, Linux Desktop, Mahara, Moodle, Sakai and uPortal.

This year's conference will include a dedicated track for senior-level campus administrators assessing the use of open source software on their campuses. Conference highlights include:

• National "Bring Your Boss to Work" Day

A one-day "Executive Summary" is designed for senior-level campus administrators who have limited time, but are interested in discovering more about various open initiatives and how they can reduce costs while extending opportunities.

• An Open Discussion on Technology in Education

Due to the current financial crisis, campuses are facing significant challenges in funding current programs and services. Open-source software provides institutions with real savings, while delivering continuity in service, allowing campuses to not only fulfill but expand academic initiatives. This year's 2-3-98 Conference will focus on how education has adopted open source software to increase services while lowering their IT costs.

• MoodleMoot

More and more colleges and universities are adopting Moodle to deliver online education. Day Three of the conference will focus on Learning Management Systems and innovative ways faculty are using the system in teaching and learning as well as how open source models provide lower risk for institutions.

The conference will be available to remote participants via web conferencing. Participants may register for one, two or three days in person or remotely. For more details and to register, please visit