SUNY Oneonta Students Travel To China For Field Course

It may be summer break, but learning at SUNY Oneonta is certainly not on pause, with six students having recently returned from a short-term study abroad opportunity in China.

From May 23 to June 5, students in the course "Experiencing Cities and Architecture: China" explored the Guangzhou and Hong Kong regions with Dr. Matthew Hendley and Dr. HoHon Leung to study the cities and architecture in the context of the history of urbanization and modernization in modern China. Students could choose either a history or sociology focus.

The goal of the trip was to understand and analyze the relationship between the nature and development of cities and the functionalities, meanings and symbolic power of architecture from a cross-disciplinary approach. Key themes included the integration of Guangzhou/Hong Kong into the Greater Bay area (which includes Shenzhen), the impact of tourism and trade on the region, and the balanced development between the built- and natural-environment there.

The group traveled to Kowloon Tsim Sha Tsui tourism shopping district, Wailing Ding Island, Shamian Island, Weiyuan Ancient Fort, Chen Clan Ancestral Hall and Temple of Six Banyan Trees, Liurong Buddhist Temple, and more! They were able to meet with Guangdong University and Huangpu Military Academy students, and even learned how to make dumplings with the Huangpu students.

Lasting anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks, faculty-led programs (or FLPs) incorporate coursework, cultural experiences and often service-learning opportunities. The trips give students the opportunity to learn and earn credit in a completely new setting, often covering unique subject matters not regularly taught on campus.

"Faculty-led programs are wonderful because they allow our students a 'mini study abroad', if you will," said Office of Global Education Director Michelle Lopez. "We're incredibly happy to be able to offer these life-changing opportunities. Faculty-led trips mean invaluable experiential learning for students, something we prioritize at SUNY Oneonta!"

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