Students Volunteer for Alternative Spring Break

Eleven SUNY Delhi students spent their February 2020 spring break volunteering with the Delhi College Interfaith Club on a mission trip in Puerto Rico. The group worked with service organization Catholic Mission Trips in cleaning and repairing houses for local residents in need. They stayed at the Communidad Misionera de Villaregia, a missionary center, in the city of Arecibo.

During the trip, the students worked on several projects, one of which included cleaning and repairing a house that lost its roof during Hurricane Maria. The resident was grateful for the help because several of the rooms had issues with standing water for two years since the hurricane hit. The group also toured the southern part of the island which suffered damage during a recent earthquake. Catholic Mission Trips plans to offer assistance in the area in the future.

The students were accompanied by the SUNY Delhi campus chaplain James Krueger and his wife, Maureen. They also met other volunteers from across the world. Past Alternative Spring Break trip groups have traveled to rural Virginia, Houston, TX, Baton Rouge, LA, and Belize.

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