USC Aiken Profs Featured in NOLA
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University of South Carolina Aiken professor Dr. Drew Geyer participated in the Popular Culture Association of the South Conference in New Orleans, La., earlier this month. Geyer, chair of the English department and professor of English participated in t
University of South Carolina Aiken professor Dr. Jeremy Culler participated in the Popular Culture Association of the South Conference in New Orleans, La., earlier this month. . Culler, assistant professor of art history, participated in the session titl
AIKEN, SC (11/03/2018) A couple of University of South Carolina Aiken professors participated in the Popular Culture Association of the South Conference in New Orleans, La., earlier this month.
Dr. Jeremy Culler, assistant professor of art history, and Dr. Drew Geyer, chair of the English department and professor of English, participated in the session titled "Locked Enigma: A Multigenre Exploration of the Chastity Belt."
Culler presented his research, "Unlocked: Cultural Mythology of the Chastity Belt," as part of the session.
Geyer read an original short story entitled "Dog, Tombstone, Chastity Belt: A Tale of Guilt and Penitence, and (Maybe) Miraculous Rebirth."