USC Aiken Welcomes Newest Alumni
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More than 200 students earned their degrees during the University of South Carolina Aiken's December graduation ceremony.
USC Aiken alumnus, Antonio D. Evans, was the guest speaker during the December convocation ceremony. More than 200 students and their families learned about his journey since he graduated in 2001.
Dr. Sandra Jordan, USC Aiken chancellor, congratulated every graduate during the December convocation ceremony.
AIKEN, SC (12/14/2018) The University of South Carolina Aiken Alumni Association welcomed more than 200 new members after the university's December convocation ceremony.
"I know this is a special night for our graduates and their families, and I'm grateful to be a part of this special ceremony honoring and recognizing you," said Kristen Medlin, president of the alumni association.
"I look forward to having you join us as part of the alumni family tonight."
As the graduates anxiously awaited their turn to receive their degrees, many contemplated the next phase of their lives. The university chancellor praised them for the impact and contributions she expects them to make after graduation.
"Your professors and I take pride in knowing you now go forward into our community to build successful careers and compose amazing lives based on the foundations laid by those who love you, strengthened by your early education, and sharply honed at USC Aiken," said Dr. Sandra Jordan, the fourth chancellor of USC Aiken.
As part of the December convocation ceremony, the university invited an alum to address the graduates. This year, Antonio D. Evans, Class of '01, was selected for that honor.
Evans is a fitness entrepreneur and motivational coach who has spent almost 20 years in the fitness industry, inspiring people from all walks of life. Currently, he mentors young men in the greater Charlotte N.C., area using fitness, baseball, and entrepreneurship as teaching tools.
He encouraged the graduating Pacers to be fit for life's journey. Their paths and experiences will be different. Certainly, opportunities and continued achievements await them. But, they will most likely encounter some setbacks, road blocks, and obstacles.
"The best advice I can give you today is to embrace failure, learn how to recover from it, and then use it as a source of strength," Evans told the graduates.
"If you do so, you will likely find success along the way."
The December 2018 class included:
Number of graduates: 225
Number of international graduates: 5
Number of student athletes: 21
Number of graduates from Aiken: 40 (82 from Aiken County)
Number of graduates from South Carolina: 188
Number of veterans or military students: 14
Number by degree and major:
Master of Science in Applied Clinical Psychology: 4
Master of Business Administration: 2
Master of Education (Educational Technology): 1
Bachelor of Arts: 44
Communication: 12
English: 3
Fine Arts: 5
History: 2
Political Science: 1
Psychology: 11
Sociology: 10
Bachelor of Arts in Education: 24
Early Childhood Education: 13
Elementary Education: 7
Middle Level Education: 3
Secondary Education: 1
Bachelor of Arts in Special Education: 3
Bachelor of Science: 42
Biology: 15
Exercise and Sports Science: 14
Industrial Process Engineering: 4
Math and Computer Science: 5
Psychology: 4
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: 57
Bachelor of Science in Education: 2
Bachelor of Science in Nursing: 47
"Commencements and convocations are ceremonies that mark a new beginning and are celebrations of hope and joy, much like the holiday season that is now upon us," Jordan said.
"The Class of 2018 represents our hope for the future of our community, our nation and our world. It has been my pleasure - my honor - to watch them mature into the professional, engaged citizens they've become."