UT students selected Ohio EPA Environmental Scholarship Winners
TOLEDO, OH (08/12/2011)(readMedia)-- Four students at The University of Toledo were among 19 environmental science and engineering students selected by the Ohio EPA to receive environmental scholarships for use at Ohio colleges and universities through the Agency's Environmental Education Fund.
A total of $46,250 in scholarships was awarded based on recommendations made by the Ohio Academy of Science.
"These awards encourage students to study careers in environmental science and engineering. These fields not only offer jobs, but provide critical training needed for careers in advanced environmental technologies, increasing Ohio's technical expertise while helping to build Ohio's future," Ohio EPA Director Scott Nally said.
The four UT students who received a $2,500 scholarship for the 2011-12 school year are:
Hillary Dean, of Toledo, Environmental Science
Erin McDonald, of Massillon, Chemical Engineering
Alison Moscarillo, of Hudson, Chemical Engineering
Tara Nemcik, of Stryker, Civil Engineering.
Since the program began in 2000, $563,950 has been awarded statewide to 228 students at 47 Ohio colleges and universities. Funding comes from civil penalties collected by Ohio EPA and the Ohio Attorney General's Office for violations of Ohio's air and water pollution control laws.
The scholarship program is administered by the Ohio Academy of Science and is designed to motivate students to enter environmental science and engineering professions. The program rewards outstanding undergraduate students based on merit, encouraging employment in environmental fields.
Additional information is available by calling Ohio EPA's Office of Environmental Education at (614) 644-2873 or visiting www.epa.ohio.gov/oee. To learn more about the Ohio Academy of Science, call (614) 488- 2228 or visit www.OHIOSCI.org.