Undergraduate Research Symposium Features Student Work
Undergraduate students presented their scholarly work at the third annual Undergraduate Research Symposium of the University of Dallas recently. Project topics included the medieval art and architecture of Gotland, a psychological investigation of birth control, aircraft materials, fatal pathogens, coral reefs and more.
Several students had already shown their work at national conferences or successfully submitted their research for publication.
"I think the symposium is one of the most important events that we have on campus because it is a celebration of our students and the work they have generated as a result of their UD education," said Chemistry Department Chair Ellen M. P. Steinmiller, Ph.D, who helped establish the event.
Steinmiller added that UD students have conducted their laboratory research both on campus and around the country.
"UD has a rich history of students being selected to conduct research at other universities in the summer through programs such as the highly competitive National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF REU)," Steinmiller said. "Other students are presenting work that they conducted in UD faculty research labs."
Initially focused on the sciences, Undergraduate Research Day has since expanded to include projects in the humanities and art exhibitions.
To view these students click here: https://udallas.meritpages.com/achievements/Undergraduate-Research-Symposium-Features-Student-Work/163008