Unshackle Upstate to Legislature: Act Responsibly When Addressing New Budget Shortfall

Raising taxes, fees and assessments to close current $2.1 billion gap is not an option.

ALBANY, NY (07/31/2009)(readMedia)-- Unshackle Upstate today said lawmakers must look aggressively at cutting state spending in addressing the projected $2.1 billion budget gap, and not fall prey to their usual habit of creating more revenues through new or enhanced taxes.

Brian Sampson, executive director of Unshackle Upstate, said taxpayers are already reeling from the disastrous Deficit Reduction Plan and the 2009-10 state budget, which will cost families thousands of dollars a year in taxes, fees and assessments, and are driving employers out of business or out of New York. The DRP increased the burden on taxpayers by $1.6 billion and the state budget increased taxes, fees and assessments by $8 billion.

"Taxpayers and businesses have had enough," Sampson said. "Governor Paterson and the Legislature must close the budget gap by cutting costs, and then they must start giving back what they've taken from us by reducing the costs of living, working and running a business in this state."

Unshackle Upstate is a bi-partisan coalition of business and trade organizations representing upwards of 45,000 companies that employ nearly 1.5 million people. The coalition is stepping up its outreach programs in advance of the 2010 elections in an effort to promote government reform and fiscal responsibility. It has vowed to call out lawmakers who do not vote in the best interests of the people.

"New York has real fiscal problems that cannot be solved by continually reaching into the pockets of taxpayers," Sampson said. "Lawmakers must go through this budget and start crossing off the things that aren't necessities."

Unshackle Upstate is a bi-partisan coalition represents more than 45,000 employers with approximately 1.5 million workers in every region of upstate. The coalition's website www.unshackleupstate.com provides a direct way for citizens to send a message to elected officials in Albany.
