Urban and Rural Survival Speaks to Emerging Reality

Living off the land supported by Staunton Parks and Recreation

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STAUNTON, VA (04/02/2011)(readMedia)-- The Staunton Parks and Recreation Department is unveiling another section of their upcoming brochure set to be released via thier "Revolution" website on April 11th. In line with their efforts to offer beneficial programs with a relevant purpose as well as promotion of healthy living in the community, the department is unveiling a new section in the brochure called Urban and Rural Survival, living off the land. The programs offered in this section will appeal to the homesteading concept that is emerging in our younger population, especially among young couples. Instructors were selected based on their experiences as current homesteaders with specialized expertise like Jen Grassler and Maggie Marangione. Jeff Ishee, past chairperson of the Staunton Farmers Market and host of WVPT show Virginia Farming will instruct the class on urban vegetable gardening. In addition to the food provision and preservation aspect of homesteading, communication and water has also been included in this section of the brochure. The award winning Paul Bugas of the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries will discuss our local lakes and streams as well as fishing in the area. A special thanks to the Valley Amateur Radio Association (Cowles Andrus/ K4EME, John Keller/ W4ZAO, Alby McCutcheon/ AD4KZ) for their assistance in offering the official Ham Radio Tech class. Attached please find a draft version of the new section.

The Staunton Parks and Recreation Department will begin taking registrations for the upcoming classes on April 13th. The anticipated delivery date for the print version on the brochure is April 27th. To get to know us better, type "Parks and Recreation blogs" into your Google search engine to query our The Method to our Madness-Staunton Parks and Recreation Blog.