Welcome Week T-Shirt Contest Winner

This past spring, Hofstra announced an exciting opportunity for students - a contest to design a T-shirt that will be given to the incoming Class of 2028 during Welcome Week. The contest was open to all students, regardless of major or discipline, to showcase their creativity and represent the spirit of the University through original artwork, within the theme "What does Hofstra mean to me?"

A panel of expert judges evaluated all 48 entries with the grand prize going to Pallavi Singh, an English major from South Richmond, NY, for her design titled "Fill your cup at HOFSTRA." In addition to having her design printed on the Welcome Week shirts, Singh was also provided with a $250 gift card to the campus bookstore.

To view these students click here: https://hofstra.meritpages.com/achievements/Welcome-Week-T-Shirt-Contest-Winner/180504