Xi Chi Delta Students Spend Spring Break Evangelizing Around the Country

Several Freed-Hardeman University members of Xi Chi Delta spent their spring break spreading the gospel and encouraging the Church around the country. The club sent a total of 36 people to Taylorsville, North Carolina, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, and Kayenta, Arizona.

In North Carolina, the students worked with the Liledoun Road Church of Christ. One of the students on the trip, Isaac Amar said the congregation's excitement was inspiring. "Just by us being there made me want to serve them so much more. Their excitement was contagious, and it really inspired the team," Amar said.

Students on the Massachusetts trip performed an outreach campaign to publicize the church throughout the area and completed several service projects "The experience made me appreciate how good God's people can be in encouraging each other, and how blessed we are to live in a place where our faith is such a common thing that can be openly acknowledged," Scott said.

While in Arizona the group served with the Kayenta Church of Christ encouraging youth and completing service projects in the community. They provided blessing bags with food and encouraging notes to visitors of the local farmer's market. "As a group, we were able to learn so much from the kids and community about showing unconditional love to those around us," said Brenna Hobgood, a junior social work major.

To view these students click here: https://fhu.meritpages.com/achievements/Xi-Chi-Delta-Students-Spend-Spring-Break-Evangelizing-Around-the-Country/175439