2024 Explore America Summer Internships

Washington College congratulates the 2024 Explore America Summer Internship awardees. This summer students will be heading to nationally renowned organizations, museums and institutions including the Library of Congress, the Apollo Theater, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the U.S. House of Representatives, the National Constitution Center, the New-York Historical Society, and the Society for Women's Health Research, among others.

Sponsored by the Washington College Starr Center for the Study of the American Experience, the Explore America Summer Internship program is one of the most exciting and distinctive opportunities available to Washington College students - and characteristic of the hands-on learning that sets Washington College apart from other liberal arts institutions. The program matches students with full-time, fully paid summer internships at an array of leading cultural institutions and non-profits. In addition to providing paid jobs (awardees are granted a $6,000 summer stipend for 10 weeks of full-time work) and valuable experience, Explore America Internships introduce students to mentors who can change the course of their lives.

To view these students click here: https://washcoll.meritpages.com/achievements/2024-Explore-America-Summer-Internships/176118