5th Annual Statewide Canalway Trail Celebration to Take Place June 7
Celebration in Conjunction with National Trails Day Will Highlight Canalway Trail
The New York State Canal Corporation, in conjunction with Parks and Trails New York (PTNY), a statewide non-profit organization, and the Canalway Trails Association New York (CTANY), is organizing the fifth annual statewide Canalway Trail Celebration on National Trails Day, Saturday, June 7, 2008. The theme for this year’s National Trails Day and the Canalway Trail Celebration is “Join Us on the Trail”.
As part of the celebration, roughly 40 events and festivities are planned to take place throughout the region to recognize the growing prominence of the Erie Canalway Corridor as a world-class recreationway and tourist destination for visitors and residents. Events range from family bike rides and boat tours to interpretive history walks, arts and crafts festivals. With more than 260 miles of developed trail, the Erie Canalway Trail is fast becoming one of the nation’s premier cycling and multi-use trail destinations.
Carmella R. Mantello, Director of the New York State Canal Corporation said, “With an exciting schedule of events taking place this weekend, the Canalway Trail Celebration is sure to attract countless visitors to canal communities across the state. The Canalway Trail offers exciting recreational opportunities for New York residents, as well as visitors to the Canal System, and is helping to foster tourism and economic revitalization throughout the Canal Corridor. The Canal Corporation is pleased to work with its partners, local canal communities and volunteers to promote and celebrate the Canalway Trail.”
Robin Dropkin, Executive Director of Parks & Trails New York, said, “The continued growth of the Canalway Trail Celebration reflects the increasing recognition of and enthusiasm for the many benefits that the Canalway Trail brings to communities."
Carol Schmelz, President of the Canalway Trail Association New York, said, “It's exciting to see so many communities eager to participate. We will have a wide range of events occurring on the same day across the entire Canalway Trail system. There will truly be something for everyone along the Canalway Trail."
Individuals and trail groups across the Canalway Trail Corridor are encouraged to participate in one of the Canalway Trail Celebration events planned for National Trails Day. A list of events can be found at http://www.ptny.org/canalway/celebration.html.
Additional support for the Canalway Trail Celebration is provided by the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor.
The New York State Canalway Trail System is comprised of a network of multi-use, recreational trails across upstate New York. The Canalway Trail System is currently comprised of four major segments: the Erie Canal Heritage Trail in Western New York; the Old Erie Canal State Park Trail in Central New York; the Mohawk-Hudson Bike Hike Trail in the Capital Region, and the Glens Falls Feeder Canal Trail in the foothills of the Adirondacks near Lake George.
To learn more about the Canalway Trail Celebration, please visit www.ptny.org or contact Parks and Trails New York at 518-434-1583 or email Wally Elton at welton@ptny.org.
The Canal Corporation is a proud supporter of the 2009 Hudson-Fulton-Champlain Quadricentennial, a year long celebration designed to commemorate 400 years of progress in the Empire State. For information regarding the Quadricentennial, please visit www.exploreny400.com.
For more information regarding events, recreation and vacation opportunities along the Canal System, please visit www.nyscanals.gov or call 1-800-4CANAL4.
Parks and Trails New York is the only statewide not-for-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the health and quality of life of New Yorkers through the use and enjoyment of a growing network of parks, pedestrian and bicycle trails, greenways and heritage corridors around the state.
The Canalway Trails Association New York (CTANY) is a volunteer organization dedicated to making the Canalway Trail a world-class, multi-use recreational resource. CTANY acts as a coordination and communication group for Canalway Trail stakeholders, including state agencies, local municipalities, civic organizations, individual volunteers, and trail users. In cooperation with the New York State Canal Corporation, CTANY also organizes and guides participation in the Canalway Trail Adopt-A-Trail Program.
The New York State Thruway Authority/Canal Corporation offers a free email service called TRANSalert to its customers via email or text messaging to inform them of major incidents and emergencies that may affect travel on the Thruway or navigation on the Canal System. To sign up for the Canal TRANSalert service, customers can visit the Corporation's website at www.nyscanals.gov/tas/. To sign-up for Thruway TRANSalerts please visit the Authority's website at www.nysthruway.gov/tas/.
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