BRONX, NY (02/09/2024) (readMedia)-- Today, Assembly Member Yudelka Tapia will hold a press conference with fellow lawmakers, Bronx residents, and advocates to debut a new calculator tool that shows Bronx families how much they could save on their monthly utility bills if Albany leaders pass the NY HEAT Act in this year's budget. As Con Edison begins phasing in rate hikes that will total an additional $60/month by January 2025 for customers who pay for their gas heat, NY lawmakers have an opportunity to relieve high energy burdens by passing the HEAT Act and putting a limit on household utility bills to 6% of a family's income.
The NY HEAT Act would help prevent future gas rate hikes, save struggling New Yorkers statewide on their utility bills, and fight climate change, which is already damaging communities across the state and taking New Yorkers' lives. Governor Hochul embraced key parts of the HEAT Act in her Executive Budget proposal. Now, lawmakers can deliver relief for families by including the full bill in their one-house budgets.
When: Friday, February 9, 12:30 pm
Where: Morris Park at 181st Street and Morris Ave in front of Bean Morris Garden, Bronx, NY 10453
Who: Assembly Members Yudelka Tapia, George Alvarez, Karines Reyes; Senator Luis SepĂșlveda; Councilmember Oswald Feliz; South Bronx Unite; WE ACT for Environmental Justice; Renewable Heat Now Campaign; Sane Energy Project; Food & Water Watch; Association for Energy Affordability; New Yorkers for Clean Power
What: Assemblymember Yudelka Tapia and other lawmakers will hold a press conference with residents and advocates to debut a new calculator tool that shows Bronx residents how much they could save on monthly utility bills with the NY HEAT Act in effect. The group will urge the NYS Senate and Assembly to include the entirety of the NY HEAT Act in their one-house budgets.