Adams uses Wofford and Future Farmers experience to pursue her goals

Caroline Adams '27 was "brought up raising green beans, corn and cattle." Seems simple enough. Her platform with Future Farmers of America and her plan for the future, however, are anything but.

Adams '27, an environmental studies major from Lake Wylie, South Carolina, grew up in a farming family. Her grandparents owned a small beef cattle farm. Her aunt owned a large turkey farm, and some of Adams' earliest photos include her holding baby animals.

She took agriculture classes in middle school and became involved in the Future Farmers of American through those. She won an FFA regional tournament for creed speaking and became president of her high school chapter during her senior year. She served as statewide president during her first year at Wofford.

"My grandfather introduced me to agriculture," says Adams. "When his health started to decline, and he didn't have insurance to deal with early onset dementia, our family had to sell the cows and equipment. Small family farms often fail because of medical emergencies and health care costs. I want to change that."

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