Alexander Czaban of Hicksville presents research

SUNYIT student participates in regional conference

UTICA, NY (05/14/2013)(readMedia)-- Alexander Czaban of Hicksville presented "An Alternative to Rocket Propulsion for Cheap Space Exploration" at the Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (HRUMC), April 24, at Williams College, Williamstown, Mass.

The one-day mathematics conference is held each year; it features short talks by students and faculty and a longer invited address by a noted mathematician.  The goal is to provide undergraduates with the experience of attending and/or presenting at a professional mathematics meeting.  Alexander was one of four SUNYIT students who presented at this year's conference.

SUNYIT, the State University of New York Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome, is New York State's public institute of technology, offering undergraduate and graduate degree programs in technology and professional studies.  Its academic offerings in technology-civil and electrical engineering, cybersecurity, computer science, the engineering technologies, etc.-and its programs in professional studies -- business, communication, nursing, etc.-are complemented by athletics, recreational, cultural and campus life programs, events and activities.