Jacob Knight, reigning APSU Homecoming King, is a senior and a stalwart member of the President's Emerging Leaders Program. Jacob takes on numerous roles around the Honors Commons, including being my Peer Leader for PELP 1000 this term. He has now also taken the lead position to coordinate the annual PELP/Honors Formal Dance to be held in the spring. Coordinating this event involves a great deal of time and effort, and I am especially grateful to Jacob for serving as a mentor for the under-class members of what it means to be a leader 24/7. in addition to participating in PELP as a senior student and being my peer leader, Jacob is also a member of the Governor's Own Marching Band. He is active all over campus, so his help in the Honors Commons is especially appreciated. Jacob, high-five to you for walking the walk! Thank you for all that you do for Honors and PELP!
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