As Winter Begins, Rochester Electeds Call on Gov. Hochul to Protect Utility Customers, Pass NY HEAT

ROCHESTER, NY (12/18/2023) (readMedia)-- As gas bills rise and cold weather intensifies, Rochester lawmakers, social justice advocates and climate organizers will call on Governor Hochul to protect utility customers by passing the top-priority NY HEAT legislation in 2024.

NY HEAT would protect utility customers recently hammered by rate increases to pay for new gas pipelines – pipelines that the bill would phase out in the coming decades. The legislation would also limit energy bills specifically for low- and middle-income consumers, saving them up to $75 per month.

On Tuesday, lawmakers and advocates will highlight RG&E rate increases and describe how NY HEAT will reduce future rate increases. The legislation passed the NY State Senate and has 75 sponsors in the Assembly. Lawmakers and advocates will ask the Governor to include the legislation in her proposed budget in January.


Sarah Clark, NYS Assemblymember

Mary Lupien, Councilmember, City of Rochester

Robin Wilt, Town Councilmember, Town of Brighton

Clare Henrie, Climate Solutions Accelerator

Rosemary Rivera, Citizen Action of New York


 Rochester lawmakers, social justice advocates and climate organizers will call on Governor Hochul to protect utility customers by passing the top-priority NY HEAT legislation in 2024.

WHEN: Tuesday December 19, 2023 at 01:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
WHERE: Rochester City Hall Chambers
30 Church St
Rochester , New York 14614