ALBANY, NY (04/01/2024) (readMedia)-- As New Yorkers push for legislation to address affordability this election season, a coalition of environmental justice and climate action champions and lead NY HEAT Act Assembly sponsor Pat Fahy will join with Assembly Members Yudelka Tapia, Anna Kelles, Khaleel Anderson, Catalina Cruz and others to urge Albany leadership to include the NY HEAT Act (A4592-B / S2016-B) in the final state budget. According to a recent Siena Poll, cost of living is the most important issue facing most New Yorkers this election season, while more than two-thirds of New Yorkers want to see bold action on climate change. The NY HEAT Act would protect New Yorkers from rising energy costs by eliminating the obligation to serve to begin NYS's transition off of fracked gas, and would limit household utility bills to 6% of a family's income.
A recent statewide report from WIN Climate and NY Renews estimated the NY HEAT Act could save the 25% of all households that struggle to afford their energy bills an average of $136 each month-cutting bills in half.
The NY HEAT Act passed the Senate last month, and has majority support in the Assembly. In January, Governor Hochul included key provisions of the NY HEAT Act in her Executive Budget proposal, but stopped short of including the 6% affordability provision. Now, Governor Hochul and Assembly Speaker Heastie have an unprecedented opportunity to modernize New York's utility regulations and include critical language to save New Yorkers money on their energy bills by including the full bill in the budget.
This event will be recorded.
When: Tuesday, April 2 at 10:00 AM
Where: Zoom:
Who: Assembly Members Pat Fahy, Yudelka Tapia, Anna Kelles, Khaleel Anderson, Catalina Cruz and others
What: Assembly Members Pat Fahy, Yudelka Tapia, Anna Kelles, Khaleel Anderson, Catalina Cruz and others will call on Speaker Heastie, Governor Hochul to prioritize lower bills and cleaner energy for families by including NY HEAT Act in final state budget
Topic: Assembly Members Call on Speaker Heastie, Gov. Hochul to Include Full NY HEAT Act in Final State Budget
Time: Apr 2, 2024 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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