Aubrey Hastings of Seaford Wins Holstein Prize for Ethics
CHESTERTOWN, MD (06/07/2013)(readMedia)-- Washington College is pleased to announce that Aubrey Hastings '13 of Seaford, DE, has been named the recipient of the 2013-14 Holstein Prize for Ethics and a recipient of an outstanding community service recognition. The Holstein Prize is awarded "to the graduating senior whose senior thesis, in the opinion of the selection committee, best demonstrates an interest in ethics and the application of ethics to his or her area of interest."
Hastings graduated cum laude with a bachelor of arts degree in English and a minor in political science at Washington College's 230th commencement ceremony this May. On Campus, she was a member of the Dance Company, Service Council and Omicron Delta Kappa leadership honor society. Hastings served as president of the Nu Delta Alpha dance honor society and lifestyle editor for the campus newspaper, The Elm. Her Senior Capstone Experience focused on the lack of ethics within political leadership and the problems that arise with power by comparing the actions and motives of Shakespearean kings to modern political leaders.
Founded in 1782 under the patronage of George Washington, Washington College is a private, independent college of liberal arts and sciences located in colonial Chestertown on Maryland's Eastern Shore.