Cedarville University Launch Team Honored by NASA

And the winner is Cedarville University's NASA Student Launch team.

In a surprise announcement, Cedarville's NASA Student Launch team was named the recipient of the "Pay It Forward" award, sponsored by NASA's Artemis program. The award was presented at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, last month during an online ceremony.

The award is presented to only one of the 49 schools that participated in the launch challenge in 2024 and is in recognition of Cedarville's excellence in promoting STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) subjects to elementary and middle school students. Cedarville was selected over teams from a field including Ohio State University and the United States Air Force Academy.

To view these students click here: https://cedarville.meritpages.com/achievements/Cedarville-University-Launch-Team-Honored-by-NASA/180010