Centre College's Field Broadbent interns with Congressman Ben Chandler

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"I have enjoyed every minute," says Field Broadbent (above right, with Congressman Ben Chandler and other interns).

DANVILLE, KY (08/16/2011)(readMedia)-- Field Broadbent of Lexington, a sophomore at Centre College, is spending the end of the summer working for Congressman Ben Chandler, and the experience allowed him to witness the effects of the debt debate firsthand.

"While the debt ceiling issue was going on, the office was very chaotic," Broadbent says. "We received several hundred phone calls a day from mad constituents and were unable to give them a firm answer on the subject. I did get to learn a great deal about what was happening, though, and became very knowledgeable about the issue."

Interning with the Congressman has given Broadbent the chance to experience day-to-day life on Capitol Hill.

"We complete many tasks, ranging from answering constituent phone calls to helping prepare speeches for the Congressman," Broadbent says. "I've also had the opportunity to attend briefings, listening to figures such as the Chairman of the Treasury Ben Bernanke while taking notes for our legislative assistants."

For Broadbent, the most exciting part has been learning from political giants.

"I have enjoyed every minute, but the aspect that gave me the most pleasure, given my interest in law, was listening to Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan and Justice Ruth Ginsburg speak to Congressional interns," he says. "Hearing Justice Ginsburg speak in the Supreme Court Courtroom was spectacular."

Broadbent is the son of Richard and Pattie Broadbent of Lexington and is a graduate of Sayre School.

Founded in 1819, Centre College is ranked among the U.S. News top 50 national liberal arts colleges. Forbes magazine ranks Centre 24th among all the nation's colleges and universities and has named Centre No. 1 among all institutions of higher education in the South for two years in a row. Centre alumni, known for their nation-leading loyalty in annual financial support, include two U.S. vice presidents and two Supreme Court justices.